About The Treasury Institute
The Treasury Institute for Higher Education promotes excellence in treasury and financial management through developing educational programs and the sharing of best practices. Our goals are to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and service delivery of the treasury and financial operations of higher education institutions by developing and offering program content of superior quality.
The mission of the Institute is to provide superior-quality, practitioner-driven content within the higher education treasury and finance community by connecting people, ideas, and solutions.
The Treasury Institute is governed by a board that consists of representatives from different schools, each representing a target constituency for membership in the Institute - e.g., public, private, northeast, southeast, mid-west, west. The board appoints the management of the Institute, as well as having the benefit from the guidance of an emeritus executive director.
Financial support initially came from the Institute's Founding Partner, Commonfund, and subsequently, annual support is received from the Founding Partner and a limited number of supporters. Thought Leadership Alliances have been established with the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) and The Association of Financial Professionals (AFP). The Executive Directors and Board of Directors, together with the Founding Partners, Alliance Partners, and Supporters, ensure that the Institute serves as a valuable educational resource for treasury professionals within higher education.
Target Market
The Treasury Institute primarily targets senior and mid-level treasury and financial professionals at larger education institutions. While institutions with smaller operating budgets could also derive benefit from the Treasury Institute, the intended focus on more advanced issues in treasury management will appeal to mid-sized and larger institutions. The Institute is designed to appeal to individuals that are decision-makers or critical influencers in treasury operations. Further, it is designed for institutions that would seek to enhance the effectiveness of treasury operations, efficiency of cash flow, and performance of operating cash investments
Program Development
The hallmark of Treasury Institute programs is practitioner-driven program content, developed through partnership with practitioners of higher education institutions that serve on the Institute’s Board and Program Committee, as well as through collaboration with other organizations that provide educational programs targeted to the higher education treasury and finance community. With guidance from the Directors and Board, the Treasury Symposium Program Committee has autonomy to develop a Symposium theme, review session proposals submitted by supporters, and select a mix of the best proposals to build out a diverse, high-quality program.
Commitment to Diversity
The Treasury Institute values diversity and recognizes that increased innovation and better decision-making result from a diverse environment. This priority is essential to the long-term success of higher education institutions and the constituents they serve. The Institute commits to embrace diversity principles and initiatives in the deployment of our mission, as follows:
- The Institute strives to achieve diversity in the membership of the Board of Directors and Program Committee and the Institute selects Board and Program Committee members that are aligned with the Institute’s mission and commitment to diversity.
- The Institute selects partners and supporters that are aligned with the Institute’s mission and commitment to diversity.
- The Institute strives to provide programming that supports or advances diversity principles and initiatives.